David Gaither

Picture of David
                A lifelong learner, I actively seek out engagement and interaction
              with open-minded, understanding, and intelligent individuals.
              Despite my introverted nature, I consistently find myself thriving
              in team environments. During my studies in Marketing, I was drawn
              towards group projects, often choosing to lead these assignments in
              the latter part of my studies. 
              The music industry provided a similar
              arena, prompting me to form a group that exceeded expectations,
              owing to the collective intelligence and openness of its members. My
              goal was to sustain myself exclusively through music, a feat I am
              proud to have achieved through resilience, adaptability, and
              relentless effort.
              With these experiences under my belt, I
              transitioned to a career in software development. Just over a year
              ago, I enrolled in the University of Richmond's remote Full-Stack
              Web Development Boot Camp, which has catalyzed my deep dive into the
              world of web development.
              Currently, I hold three part-time
              Full-Stack teaching positions, which allowed me to adapt and grow as
              a leader in a new setting. My next objective is to join a company
              that aligns with my values, one that will nurture my growth and
              leadership in this exciting and ever-evolving field.

Technical Skills

Languages: JavaScript ES6+, CSS3, HTML5, SQL

Applications: GitHub, GitLab, MongoDB, MySQL, GraphQL, Insomnia

Tools: Express, React, Redux, Node, Jest, Agile, Sequelize, Mongoose, jQuery, Handlebars, Bootstrap

Custom Calendar Homepage
React * MongoDB * JWT-auth * GraphQL API * MERN-Stack * PWA BootstrapA mobile-first day planner progressive web application created to easily organize and view to-do lists associated with dates. Create an account, select a day on the calendar and start planning your tasks. Create, edit, mark complete, or delete to-do items.

Custom CalendarView the deployed webpage
View the Github repository